

每个月, 威尼斯人平台非常自豪地展示了我们教师的卓越成就, 工作人员, 和学生. 这些成就, 从开创性的研究和创新项目到在各个领域的重大贡献, 反映了充满活力的知识界和对卓越的承诺,定义了我们的机构. Join us in applauding these milestones 和 the individuals who are not only advancing their respective disciplines but also shaping the future of our university 和 community.

祝贺 Dr. David Reed(计算机科学) who is the is the lead for 威尼斯人平台 on the statewide Higher 教育 Initiative to Increase Computing Graduates. 由俄亥俄州的15所学院和大学组成, 包括资本, 是否正在努力招收和毕业更多计算机科学和相关计算领域的学生. 美国国家科学基金会拨款200万美元支持为期五年的俄亥俄州大学生计算机成功之路项目, 哪个项目旨在提高该州的能力,以满足不断增长的雇主需求. 鲍德温华莱士是该基金的牵头机构. 

祝贺 Dr. Olga Shonia(教育), Dr. Sally Creasap(教育), Dr. 保罗·霍普金斯(教育)Dr. 约翰·索洛宁卡(教育与心理学) 谁获得了俄亥俄院长契约特殊儿童补助金. 两年200美元,000 grant will support the development 和 implementation of blended/inclusive teacher preparation programs leading to dual licensure in general 和 special education.

荣誉 Dr. 安迪·卡尔森(历史)Tristen Davis(学生和社区参与). 卡尔森和戴维斯, 与Lyn Logan-Grimes合作, 俄亥俄州哥伦布市国王艺术中心的文化艺术总监, 被独立学院委员会(CIC)选为“美国奴隶制的遗产:清算过去?, 公共历史研究所. The team developed an interdisciplinary 和 cross-institutional project that will strengthen 和 inform the public memory 和 interpretation of slavery 和 challenge 和 inform citizens across our state 和 region. Their work will create replicable processes for others to contribute to the body of knowledge regarding the history 和 legacy of slavery in our region, 同时也为当地机构贡献历史文物和知识.

祝贺 水晶矿工(学生) 以及教师导师 Dr. 克里斯汀·安德森(生物学). Their work entitled Occurrence of Frogs 和 Toads in Relation to Habitat Quality at 威尼斯人平台’s Primmer Outdoor Learning Center in Hocking County was supported by an external grant from the Ohio Biological Survey. 根据Miner的说法, "This experience has allowed me to gain more knowledge about how the environment 和 the species within them help to create a healthy 和 well-functioning ecosystem. This project has helped us to learn more about the habitat quality at Primmer that could lead to even more interesting discoveries in the future."

荣誉, Dr. 赵浩云(教育). 赵的工作, 数学任务分析框架的发展:主动与被动, 发表在韩国社会数学教育杂志A辑:数学教育.

祝贺 Dr. Nisreen Daoud(教育), 布拉德利·康拉德(教育), 赵浩云(教育) 谁最近出版了手稿, Becoming: The Story of First Year Teachers’ Student Teaching in the Time of Uncertainty 和 its Impact on Their First Year of Teaching, 在杂志上, 大学的伙伴关系. The team worked with new graduates who were in their first 和 second year to provide mentorship while they shared their stories about what it was like to be a new teacher 和 second year teach.

Dr. 赵浩云(教育) is one of only two US professors who has been invited to participate in the project Development of Korean National Mathematics Textbooks Grade 1-2 based on the Revised 2022 Curriculum, 是由韩国教育部资助的吗. 该小组由13名教授(韩国10名教授、美国2名教授)和58名教师组成. 干得好,博士. 赵.

祝贺 MSN学生克里斯汀·赫克勒和贝基·安德森 在俄亥俄州学生护士协会(OhSNA)会议上提出了模拟汇报的技巧和技巧. Their hour long interactive presentation explored how debriefing skills commonly are not taught to student nurses 和 what can be done to improve nurses’ debriefing skills.

祝贺 Cynthia Holder Rich教授(神学院) 谁的种族, 神学, 和《威尼斯人网站》, 《威尼斯人官网》正在《威尼斯人平台》上发表(帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦), 由雷蒙多·巴雷托和弗拉基米尔·拉蒂诺维奇编辑. 对于这个项目, Professor Rich worked with two other professors on a two-year experiment in teaching a course together to students in the United States 和 Tanzania, 分别讨论种族和种族主义对神学和教会的影响.

Dr. 保罗·霍普金斯(教育) conducted a workshop at Worthington Kilbourne High School entitled Assessment 101:  Making Assessments Meaningful in our Classrooms. 在车间里, 与会者探讨了如何使评估在课堂上对教育工作者和学生有意义. Hopkins reflected that “Educators can learn so much about their own professional practice by incorporating meaningful formative assessments into their learning experiences.干得好!

祝贺 Dr. Leigh Anne Meyer(护理) who received the Ohio League for 护理: Outst和ing Excellence in Teaching Award during the Ohio League for 护理 Annual Statewide Nurse Educator Summit, 2023年3月. The award was for Award for signifiant contributions to nursing education in Ohio 和 the teaching 和 learning of nursing students. Dr. 迈耶说:“从我的护士教育同行那里获得这样的奖项是一种荣誉. 能以这样的方式承认我13年的护士教育生涯,我感到很谦卑, 我期待着在未来的许多年里为我们州有抱负的护士服务.” 

荣誉, Dr. Leigh Anne Meyer(护理) who gave a presentation entitled Professional Quality of Life Indicators 和 Turnover Intention in Forensic Nurses at Sigma’s 34th International 护理 Research Congress in Abu Dhabi, 阿拉伯联合酋长国. 迈耶的研究考察了法医护士如何为那些遭受创伤的人提供专业护理, 因此,护士角色的持续高流失率是特别值得关注的. 职业生活质量方面, 比如同情疲劳, 二次创伤, 倦怠对离职倾向有显著影响. Developing our knowledge base of factors that lead to nurses leaving this specialized practice is valuable in creating strategies for developing 和 maintaining this nursing workforce.

祝贺 Dr. Liam O'Loughlin(英语) 他最近在《威尼斯人平台》上发表了《威尼斯人平台》. 根据O 'Laughlin的说法, this special issue of South Asian Review explores our unevenly shared condition of planetary catastrophe–defined especially by COVID 和 climate change–by turning to fiction, 电影, 以及南亚及其散居海外的诗歌. O’Laughlin said that “It was a joy to co-author an introduction 和 co-edit this special issue with wonderful collaborators in Louisiana 和 California. 合作和合著仍然不是人文学科的标准, 但值得庆幸的是,这种趋势正在稳步改变.”

荣誉, Dr. 查德·佩顿(音乐) 她曾在纽约施龙湖的海鸥节担任声乐老师. 自2010年以来, 佩顿在阿迪朗达克山脉的海鸥节度过了他的夏天, 全国最古老的歌剧和音乐剧培训项目. 作为一名新兴艺术家演唱了两个夏天, 佩顿于2010年加入该学院,担任公司经理, 然后从2016年开始担任声乐老师. Each summer he maintains a private voice studio of artists who are finishing their undergraduate degrees or in their masters degrees. 每年夏天,海鸥节至少会制作四部主舞台作品, 并在纽约北部地区进行了额外的演出,包括儿童歌剧, 时俗讽刺, 社区活动. Payton stated that “My summers at Seagle Festival require me to stay engaged in my teaching 和 scholarship throughout the summer months. This eight week program is at a high calibre 和 provides me with teaching tools to bring back to my voice students at 威尼斯人平台. 它使我在当前的音乐行业中保持活跃, 与作曲家和舞台导演有联系, 并留意新的作品.”

赞美 Dr. 布雷安娜·泰勒(护士) 最近在《威尼斯人平台》上发表了一篇文章《威尼斯人官网》. 关于她的工作, 泰勒说:“归属感对护理专业学生的专业发展和成功是不可或缺的."

荣誉, Roxana Vatanparast(法律) who published the article Digital Monetary Constitutionalism: The Democratic Potential of Monetary Pluralism 和 Polycentric Governance in the Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 这项工作探讨了数字货币多元化和多中心治理的民主潜力, examining two case studies: digital fiat currency that has the privacy-preserving features of cash 和 promotes financial inclusion 和 digital money built by 和 for stateless populations utilizing blockchain technology. 根据Vatanparast的说法, “Digital money ought to be taken seriously as it affords diverse forms of democratic experimentation with institutional 和 technological designs to effect distributive 和 political transformations for marginalized communities.”